Vocational training
Thu 24 Aug 2023 - 18:13 - Sun 24 Mar 2024 - 17:14 - 9410
In Cameroon, vocational training comprises a range of post-basic education courses provided either by public bodies or by state-approved private bodies. Its aim is to provide learners and apprentices with the knowledge, skills and aptitudes they need to practise a trade and/or find a job.
Vocational training centres can be found in almost every subdivision in Cameroon. They are much more concentrated in the country's major cities, which are the regional capitals: Yaounde, Douala, Bafoussam, Garoua, Ebolowa, Bamenda, Buea, Ngaoundere, Maroua and Bertoua.
All Vocational training schools in Cameroon:

Ecole Régionale de Sécurité Incendie
● LITTORAL Region ● WOURI Division ● DOUALA III Subdivision ● Quarter NYLON
The Regional Fire Safety School (ERSI) was established in 1964 in Cameroon. It is one of three professional schools of the [...] VIEW DETAILS...
IFORD - Institute of Training and Demographic Research
● CENTRE Region ● MFOUNDI Division ● YAOUNDE III Subdivision ● Quarter NGOA-EKELLE
The Institute for Training and Research in Demographics, abbreviated IFORD, is an Intergovernmental Organization bringing together 22 French-speaking African and Indian [...] VIEW DETAILS...CENTRE DE FORMATION PROFESSIONNELLE DES METIERS INDUSTRIELS DE NYOM (CFMI-NYOM)
● CENTRE Region ● MFOUNDI Division ● YAOUNDE I Subdivision ● Quarter NYOM
VIEW DETAILS...Institut Universitaire des Sciences et Techniques de Yaoundé
● CENTRE Region ● MFOUNDI Division ● YAOUNDE I Subdivision ● Quarter NYOM
VIEW DETAILS...Institut Universitaire du Golfe de Guinée (IUGG)
● LITTORAL Region ● WOURI Division ● DOUALA III Subdivision ● Quarter NDOKOTI
VIEW DETAILS...Vocational Training United Institute
● CENTRE Region ● MEFOU and AKONO Division ● MBANKOMO Subdivision ● Village BADOUMOU
VIEW DETAILS...Central Vocational Training Center
● NORTH-WEST Region ● MEZAM Division ● BAMENDA 1 Subdivision ● Quarter ANINGDOH
VIEW DETAILS...CENFHOTE (Centre de Formation en Hôtellerie)
● LITTORAL Region ● SANAGA MARITIME Division ● EDEA I Subdivision ● Quarter AMOUR I
VIEW DETAILS...CELAFOP (Centre Lassalien de Formation Professionnelle de Kano - Bertoua)
● EAST Region ● LOM and DJEREM Division ● BERTOUA II Subdivision ● Village KANO
● SOUTH Region ● OCEAN Division ● KRIBI II Subdivision ● Quarter DOMBE
Others Education levels in Cameroon
Nursery education
Nursery education in Cameroon is an educational cycle comprising the following classes: For the French-speaking sub-system: Petite section, Grande section. For [...] READ MORE...
Primary education
The official age for entry to primary school is 6. Each sub-system consists of three levels: Level 1, which comprises SIL [...] READ MORE...
Post-primary education
The minimum age for post-primary education is 14. At the end of primary education, pupils generally have the choice of continuing [...] READ MORE...
Secondary education
There are two types of secondary education in Cameroon, in the Anglophone and Francophone sub-systems: General secondary education In the French-speaking [...] READ MORE...
Teacher Training
In Cameroon, Teacher Training Colleges are vocational training institutions responsible for the basic training, advanced training or refresher training and the [...] READ MORE...
High education
Higher education in Cameroon is provided by public and private institutions approved by the Ministry of Higher Education. Access to higher [...] READ MORE...

Nursery education
Nursery education in Cameroon is an educational cycle comprising the following classes: For the French-speaking sub-system: Petite section, Grande section. For [...] READ MORE...

Primary education
The official age for entry to primary school is 6. Each sub-system consists of three levels: Level 1, which comprises SIL [...] READ MORE...

Post-primary education
The minimum age for post-primary education is 14. At the end of primary education, pupils generally have the choice of continuing [...] READ MORE...

Secondary education
There are two types of secondary education in Cameroon, in the Anglophone and Francophone sub-systems: General secondary education In the French-speaking [...] READ MORE...

Teacher Training
In Cameroon, Teacher Training Colleges are vocational training institutions responsible for the basic training, advanced training or refresher training and the [...] READ MORE...

High education
Higher education in Cameroon is provided by public and private institutions approved by the Ministry of Higher Education. Access to higher [...] READ MORE...