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6847 schools already resgistered.
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Every day, as far as possible, we add nursery, primary, secondary, higher education and vocational training schools in Cameroon. If you do not find a school yet, please come back later. If you are a school manager and would like your school to appear in the list of schools in your locality, please contact us.
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Nursery education (1191)
● French-speaking Nursery [411]
● English-speaking Nursery school [27]
Primary education (1480)
● French-speaking Primary Schools [740]
● English-speaking Primary Schools [282]
Secondary education (4351)
● French-speaking General Education [2392]
● French-speaking Technical and Vocational Education [816]
● English-speaking General Education [1086]
● English-speaking Technical and Vocational Education [301]
Teacher Training (193)
● French-speaking Teacher training [23]
● English-speaking Teacher training [8]
High education (69)
● French-speaking Higher Education [49]
● English-speaking Higher Education [34]
Vocational training (763)
● French-speaking Vocational training [238]
● English-speaking Vocational training [41]
Post-primary education (3)
● French-speaking [3]
● English-speaking [0]
Schools by Region
Exams and competitive examinations