Education system
Cameroon Education System
Cameroon's education system is a product of the colonial legacy. As the country was under the tutelage of two colonial powers (France and Great Britain), its education system is divided into two sub-systems: the French-speaking sub-system and the English-speaking sub-system.
These two sub-systems exist together, while each retaining its own specificity in terms of assessment methods and certification. For example, for examinations
- primary education: the CEP (Certificat d'Etudes Primaires) and the Concours d'entrée en Sixième for the French-speaking sub-system and the First School Leaving Certificate (FSLC) and the Common Entrance for the English-speaking sub-system.
- general secondary education: the BEPC (Brevet d'Etudes du Premier Cycle), the Probatoire général and the Baccalauréat général for the French-speaking sub-system and the GCE OL (General Certificate of Education Ordinary Level) and the GCE AL (General Certificate of Education Advanced Level) for the English-speaking sub-system.
- technical secondary education: the CAP (Certificat d'Aptitude Professionnelle), the Probatoire technique and the Baccalauréat technique for the French-speaking sub-system and the TVEE IL (Technical and Vocational Education Examination Intermediate Level) and the TVEE AL (Technical and Vocational Education Examination Advanced Level) for the English-speaking sub-system.
There are different levels of education governed by article 17 of the Education Orientation Law N° 98/004 of 14 April 1998. These levels of education are as follows:

Nursery education
Nursery education in Cameroon is an educational cycle comprising the following classes: For the French-speaking sub-system: Petite section, Grande section. For [...] READ MORE...

Primary education
The official age for entry to primary school is 6. Each sub-system consists of three levels: Level 1, which comprises SIL [...] READ MORE...

Post-primary education
The minimum age for post-primary education is 14. At the end of primary education, pupils generally have the choice of continuing [...] READ MORE...

Secondary education
There are two types of secondary education in Cameroon, in the Anglophone and Francophone sub-systems: General secondary education In the French-speaking [...] READ MORE...

Teacher Training
In Cameroon, Teacher Training Colleges are vocational training institutions responsible for the basic training, advanced training or refresher training and the [...] READ MORE...

Vocational training
In Cameroon, vocational training comprises a range of post-basic education courses provided either by public bodies or by state-approved private bodies. [...] READ MORE...

High education
Higher education in Cameroon is provided by public and private institutions approved by the Ministry of Higher Education. Access to higher [...] READ MORE...