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GUIDER Subdivision

Tue 22 Aug 2023 - 20:13     Tue 22 Aug 2023 - 20:13







List of schools in GUIDER Subdivision


● NORTH Region ● MAYO LOUTI Division ● GUIDER Subdivision ● Village BELI


GTC (Government Technical College) BISSOLI

● NORTH Region ● MAYO LOUTI Division ● GUIDER Subdivision ● Village DOUROUM


GTC (Government Technical College) TCHONTCHI-GOLOMBE

● NORTH Region ● MAYO LOUTI Division ● GUIDER Subdivision ● Village DOUROUM


GTC (Government Technical College) MATAFAL

● NORTH Region ● MAYO LOUTI Division ● GUIDER Subdivision ● Village DOUROUM


GTC (Government Technical College) LAMORDE-GUIDER

● NORTH Region ● MAYO LOUTI Division ● GUIDER Subdivision ● Village DOUROUM


GTC (Government Technical College) OURO ALHADJI

● NORTH Region ● MAYO LOUTI Division ● GUIDER Subdivision ● Village DOUROUM


GBHS (Government Bilingual High School) GUIDER

● NORTH Region ● MAYO LOUTI Division ● GUIDER Subdivision ● Village DOUROUM


Ecole de Formation pour les Spécialistes de la Coopération (EFSC) - Guider

● NORTH Region ● MAYO LOUTI Division ● GUIDER Subdivision ● Village BABOURI


Séminaire Saint Paul de GUIDER

● NORTH Region ● MAYO LOUTI Division ● GUIDER Subdivision ● Village DOUROUM


GSS (Government Secondary School)OURO-TARA

● NORTH Region ● MAYO LOUTI Division ● GUIDER Subdivision ● Village DOUROUM








How many Schools (now available on in quarters/villages of GUIDER Subdivision

BALGA : 0 schoolsBEBERE : 0 schoolsCAMP ADMINISTRATIF & PRISON : 0 schoolsDÉLÉGUÉ I : 0 schoolsDELEGUE II : 0 schoolsDJAOURO SALI : 0 schoolsDONDOLO : 0 schoolsGADA KORGOU : 0 schoolsKAIGAMMA I : 0 schoolsKAIGAMMA II : 0 schoolsKAIGAMMA III : 0 schoolsKAIGAMMA IV : 0 schoolsKERGUIND I : 0 schoolsKERGUIND II : 0 schoolsKOUNA : 0 schoolsLAMORDE I : 0 schoolsLAMORDE II : 0 schoolsLAMORDE III : 0 schoolsLAMORDE IV : 0 schoolsLAMORDE V : 0 schoolsNDALFA : 0 schoolsNORGO : 0 schoolsPOUGOU : 0 schoolsRIBAO : 0 schoolsSANGUERE : 0 schoolsSERME : 0 schoolsSOULKATA : 0 schoolsWOURO ALKALI : 0 schoolsWOURO BETCHE : 0 schoolsBARKAO : 0 schoolsBOKO : 0 schoolsDOUROUM : 24 schoolsDOUROUM MANGO : 0 schoolsKOUSMOU DOUMA : 0 schoolsMAYO MALAO : 0 schoolsMAYO SOMRÉ I : 0 schoolsMAYO SOMRE II : 0 schoolsNDJARA : 0 schoolsTIRLAO : 0 schoolsTRA : 0 schoolsVOURMOUS : 0 schoolsWINDE YOLA : 0 schoolsWOURO BOUBA : 0 schoolsZAFKAT : 0 schoolsMAYO SOMRE III : 0 schoolsBABOURI : 1 schoolsBADECHI : 0 schoolsBAÏLA : 0 schoolsBAMBALO : 0 schoolsBARIKI DJAMAN : 0 schoolsBASSIRA : 0 schoolsBIMA : 0 schoolsBISSOLI : 0 schoolsCASIER DERI : 0 schoolsDAKOUME : 0 schoolsDALAMI : 0 schoolsDEM : 0 schoolsDIRI : 0 schoolsDJABI : 0 schoolsDJAMTARI : 0 schoolsDJOUDE : 0 schoolsDO MAYO : 0 schoolsGANDA KONA : 0 schoolsGANDA LELENG : 0 schoolsGARA GOLOMBE : 0 schoolsGARAGE NDOUA : 0 schoolsGNIBANGO : 0 schoolsGOLOMBÉ WINDÉ : 0 schoolsGONDOURO : 0 schoolsGONDOUROU : 0 schoolsGOULDOUWAL : 0 schoolsHARDE KAYEFI : 0 schoolsKAFINAROU : 0 schoolsKAKALA : 0 schoolsKARIYA : 0 schoolsKOSSELEL DANEYEL : 0 schoolsKOSSI : 0 schoolsLOMBEL : 0 schoolsLOUGGUA BANI : 0 schoolsMALIA : 0 schoolsMAYO KORA I : 0 schoolsMAYO KORA III : 0 schoolsMAYO KORA TIZI : 0 schoolsMAYO PADJARA : 0 schoolsMAYO TCHOLLI : 0 schoolsMBOR : 0 schoolsMBOUNGA : 0 schoolsMESSO : 0 schoolsNGANGOUR BORI : 0 schoolsPADJARA ABDOULAYE : 0 schoolsPADJARA YAYA : 0 schoolsRAOU : 0 schoolsRIBAOU : 0 schoolsSÉBORÉ BAÏLA : 0 schoolsSEBORE MONGORO : 0 schoolsSESSARA : 0 schoolsSODALOU : 0 schoolsSODJOHI : 0 schoolsSORAWEL : 0 schoolsSOSSILIM : 0 schoolsTCHAMPALAM : 0 schoolsTCHEKAL : 0 schoolsWALDE BORORO : 0 schoolsWALEWOL GADE : 0 schoolsWOURO BARA : 0 schoolsWOURO GARE : 0 schoolsWOURO HAOUSSA : 0 schoolsWOURO KESSOUM : 0 schoolsWOURO NA'I : 0 schoolsGUATOUGUEL : 0 schoolsSOUIKANO : 0 schoolsMBEROU : 0 schoolsDJOUROUM : 0 schoolsBABARKIN : 0 schoolsBAÏGA : 0 schoolsBAMA : 0 schoolsBANG : 0 schoolsBEDEVE (WOURO TOUWE) : 0 schoolsBOHONG : 0 schoolsBOUCKADJI : 0 schoolsBOULOU : 0 schoolsCASIER : 0 schoolsDAFA POKA : 0 schoolsDAFA LE BAS : 0 schoolsDAFA LE HAUT : 0 schoolsDALE : 0 schoolsDANSANG : 0 schoolsDJAMBOUTOU : 0 schoolsDJEDJENGUE : 0 schoolsDJELEM : 0 schoolsDOUBAS : 0 schoolsFITOUME : 0 schoolsGANGANG : 0 schoolsGARA GUIDER : 0 schoolsGATOUGUEL : 0 schoolsGOLIRDE : 0 schoolsGOLOMO GUIDER : 0 schoolsGOLVONG : 0 schoolsGORTONG : 0 schoolsHERI : 0 schoolsHERIYEL : 0 schoolsKAPTA BANDJA : 0 schoolsKAPTA MADI : 0 schoolsKERENG : 0 schoolsKIRIRAMBO : 0 schoolsKOÏNA MAÏGARI : 0 schoolsKOÏNA MESSENGUÉ : 0 schoolsKOLA : 0 schoolsKORAKE : 0 schoolsKOSSEYEL DJOWI : 0 schoolsLOUGGUA DJABE : 0 schoolsLOUGGUÉRÉ DAWAÏ : 0 schoolsLOUGGUERE FOULBE : 0 schoolsMALOUWOY : 0 schoolsMAMBAZA GABAL : 0 schoolsMASGUAM : 0 schoolsMATAFAL : 0 schoolsMAYEL DAOUDJI : 0 schoolsMAYEL NGALBIHI : 0 schoolsMAYEL POLLI : 0 schoolsMODJONGO DEWA : 0 schoolsMODJONGO GOULE : 0 schoolsMODJONGO HAMAN WABI : 0 schoolsNDIAM ETINA : 0 schoolsNDIAM NELBI : 0 schoolsNGANDA : 0 schoolsNGOUFOUR : 0 schoolsPARKINE : 0 schoolsSABERE DAFA : 0 schoolsSARWA : 0 schoolsSIBRE I : 0 schoolsSIBRE II : 0 schoolsSINGAÏDI : 0 schoolsSOUBTABANI SADOU : 0 schoolsSOUBTABANI SALI : 0 schoolsSOUCKOUDOU : 0 schoolsTCHIKAF : 0 schoolsTCHIKAF MATAFALFRÉ : 0 schoolsTIKELKE : 0 schoolsTOFOR : 0 schoolsTONKOLO : 0 schoolsTORKINE : 0 schoolsVAGAMA : 0 schoolsWALA : 0 schoolsWOURO ALHADJI : 0 schoolsWOURO DAMA : 0 schoolsWOURO MAGADJI : 0 schoolsWOURO MAL SIDDIKI : 0 schoolsWOURO NGABBOU : 0 schoolsWOURO SATAÏ : 0 schoolsWOURO TARA : 0 schoolsYAPÉRÉ : 0 schoolsYOLDE KAREHI : 0 schoolsYOUKVOUNA : 0 schoolsKERKIND : 0 schoolsBOBOLDOU : 0 schoolsBODONG : 0 schoolsDABA DABA : 0 schoolsDEGUERI : 0 schoolsGUIRLAO : 0 schoolsLARMA : 0 schoolsLEREBI : 0 schoolsLIBE : 0 schoolsLOUBAK : 0 schoolsMARI : 0 schoolsTAR : 0 schoolsTCHOUKKOL : 0 schoolsTEKELI : 0 schoolsBOUDJOULKOU : 0 schoolsDABALA : 0 schoolsDANGUAR : 0 schoolsDONFANA : 0 schoolsDOUBI : 0 schoolsKONA : 0 schoolsKORGOU : 0 schoolsMALMAS : 0 schoolsMAYO LOUE : 0 schoolsMINDJIWA : 0 schoolsMORKOVONG : 0 schoolsPOMLA BAÏLA : 0 schoolsTCHAKADJAM : 0 schoolsWINDE LOUE : 0 schoolsWOURO GNEBBE : 0 schoolsBALDAÏ : 0 schoolsBANAM : 0 schoolsBELI : 1 schoolsBOURWOY : 0 schoolsCARREFOUR PAHA : 0 schoolsCASIER KATCHALLA : 0 schoolsDJALINGO : 0 schoolsDJIBAOU : 0 schoolsDOGOM : 0 schoolsDOUBOULWOY : 0 schoolsGABOUNE : 0 schoolsGALAO : 0 schoolsGAVAL : 0 schoolsGOROM : 0 schoolsGOUDAK : 0 schoolsGOULON BOUBA FALI : 0 schoolsGOULONG FALI : 0 schoolsGUEZEOU : 0 schoolsHIRNGUILANG : 0 schoolsIDEAL : 0 schoolsKAFKAÏ : 0 schoolsKARLAHI : 0 schoolsKORAYEL : 0 schoolsKOSSEYEL DJOHI : 0 schoolsKOSSEYEL SINGLIN : 0 schoolsLAKAWAR : 0 schoolsLARBAK : 0 schoolsLELENG : 0 schoolsMANTCHOUROUF : 0 schoolsMARMA : 0 schoolsMATAYA : 0 schoolsMAYO KEWE : 0 schoolsMAYO LOUMAS : 0 schoolsMBIRDIF : 0 schoolsMEDEBING : 0 schoolsMEDEZEM : 0 schoolsMEDJEBI : 0 schoolsMELEMDEM : 0 schoolsMOUKOY : 0 schoolsMOUSGOY I : 0 schoolsMOUSGOY II : 0 schoolsNDIAM IBBI : 0 schoolsOURLANG : 0 schoolsPAHA : 0 schoolsROUMDE : 0 schoolsSAGANARE : 0 schoolsSAMKA : 0 schoolsTALAZOUA : 0 schoolsTALDAM : 0 schoolsTASKAO : 0 schoolsTAWANE : 0 schoolsTCHADAK GAOULA : 0 schoolsTCHOUBOUL : 0 schoolsTILBIT : 0 schoolsVONOZOUM : 0 schoolsWOULEP : 0 schoolsWOURO ADJIA : 0 schoolsWOURO BADEY : 0 schoolsWOURO BAÏGODJÉ : 0 schoolsWOURO GODO MADI : 0 schoolsWOURO HARDE : 0 schoolsWOURO MORDOY : 0 schoolsWOURO NELBI : 0 schoolsWOURO SADAÏ : 0 schoolsZAGADARBA : 0 schoolsZAGUA MOUSGOY : 0 schoolsZEVENE : 0 schoolsWOURO-ALADJI : 0 schoolsWOURO-SABERE : 0 schoolsYOUMDJEM : 0 schools



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Nursery education (1191) ● French-speaking Nursery [411] ● English-speaking Nursery school [27] Primary education (1480) ● French-speaking Primary Schools [740] ● English-speaking Primary Schools [282] Secondary education (4346) ● French-speaking General Education [2392] ● French-speaking Technical and Vocational Education [816] ● English-speaking General Education [1086] ● English-speaking Technical and Vocational Education [301] Teacher Training (193) ● French-speaking Teacher training [23] ● English-speaking Teacher training [8] High education (68) ● French-speaking Higher Education [49] ● English-speaking Higher Education [34] Vocational training (762) ● French-speaking Vocational training [238] ● English-speaking Vocational training [41] Post-primary education (3) ● French-speaking [3] ● English-speaking [0]

Schools by Region

ADAMAOUA (182) ● DJEREM [20] ● FARO AND DEO [12] ● MAYO BANYO [29] ● MBERE [27] ● VINA [94] CENTRE (2264) ● HAUTE-SANAGA [92] ● LEKIE [245] ● MBAM and INOUBOU [158] ● MBAM and KIM [112] ● MEFOU and AFAMBA [207] ● MEFOU and AKONO [85] ● MFOUNDI [1015] ● NYONG and KELLE [77] ● NYONG and MFOUMOU [155] ● NYONG and SO'O [118] EAST (220) ● BOUMBA and NGOKO [31] ● HAUT NYONG [66] ● KADEY [39] ● LOM and DJEREM [84] FAR-NORTH (391) ● DIAMARE [77] ● LOGONE and CHARI [32] ● MAYO DANAY [105] ● MAYO KANI [69] ● MAYO SAVA [33] ● MAYO TSANAGA [75] LITTORAL (791) ● MOUNGO [114] ● NKAM [36] ● SANAGA MARITIME [89] ● WOURI [552] NORTH (227) ● BENOUE [116] ● FARO [17] ● MAYO LOUTI [48] ● MAYO REY [46] NORTH-WEST (581) ● BOYO [55] ● BUI [112] ● DONGA MANTUNG [75] ● MENCHUM [38] ● MEZAM [161] ● MOMO [66] ● NGO KETUNJIA [74] SOUTH (261) ● DJA and LOBO [76] ● MVILA [86] ● OCEAN [64] ● VALLEE of NTEM [35] SOUTH-WEST (608) ● FAKO [172] ● KUPE and MANENGUBA [46] ● LEBIALEM [56] ● MANYU [104] ● MEME [141] ● NDIAN [89] WEST (1315) ● BAMBOUTOS [210] ● HAUT-NKAM [150] ● HAUTS-PLATEAUX [108] ● KOUNG-KHI [52] ● MENOUA [265] ● MIFI [103] ● NDE [94] ● NOUN [333]

Exams and competitive examinations

ASTI Competitive Examination Baccalaureate Bachelor's degree BEPC (Brevet d'Etudes du Premier Cycle) Brevet de Technicien CAP (Certificat d'Aptitude Professionnelle) CAPEC (Certificat d'Aptitude Professionnelle en l'Enseignement de la Conduite des Véhicules à Moteur) Common Entrance Commpetitive Entrance Examination into GTTTC Competitive entrance examination for ENAM Competitive entrance examination for faculty of Medicine Competitive entrance examination for GTTC Competitive entrance examination for UIT Competitive examinations EMIA Competitive examinations MINDEF Concours d'entrée à la Police DEA (Diplôme d'Etudes Approfondies) DIPES 1 DIPES 2 Doctorat en médecine Doctorate EAMAU Competitive Entrance Examination ESSEC Competitive Entrance Examination FSLC (First School Leaving Certificate) GCE AL (General Certificate of Education Advanced Level) GCE OL (General Certificate of Education Ordinary Level) Higher Teacher Training College Competitive entrance examination HND (Higher National Diploma) Master National Advanced Schools of Engineering Competitive Entrance Examinations Probatoire Professional Master Teachers Grade 1 Certificate (CAPIEMP) Technical Teachers’ Grade 1 Certificate TVEE AL TVEE IL VQD (Vocational Qualification Diploma)

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