ENAM (Ecole Normale d'Administration et de Magistrature)
Mon 9 Oct 2023 - 11:26 - Mon 1 Jul 2024 - 13:17 | No review yet now. Be the first to write a review! Write a review NOW
Type of school:
Public Schools
Education Level:
● High education
● French-speaking Higher Education
● English-speaking Higher Education
Geographical location:
Region | CENTRE Region |
Division | MFOUNDI Division |
Subdivision | YAOUNDE III Subdivision |
Quarter / Village | Quarter Quartier du LAC |
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Exams for this school:
Competitive entrance examination for ENAM
Available levels in (ENAM (Ecole Normale d'Administration et de Magistrature)):
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The Ecole Nationale d'Administration et de Magistrature (ENAM) was founded in 1964, following the transformation of the former Ecole Camerounaise d'Administration (ECA). After several reorganizations, it now enjoys the status of a Public Administrative Establishment, with legal personality and financial autonomy. ENAM is under the technical supervision of the Ministry of Finance.
- Train senior civil servants;
- To ensure the further training and retraining of executives trained by the school;
- Conduct applied research in administration and professional training;
- Carry out any other mission entrusted to it by the government.
- Support current government reforms;
- To meet the training needs expressed by public and private organizations.
- Enable managers and executives at all levels to acquire the skills and master the tools needed to better manage change.
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