SOUTH Region
Fri 18 Aug 2023 - 19:55 | Sun 24 Mar 2024 - 22:08
The South Region is a first level administrative region of Cameroon with a surface area of 47191 km2. It comprises four (4) divisions and twenty-nine (29) subdivisions.
The capital of the South Region is Ebolowa. The region is bordered to the north by the Centre Region, to the east by East Region, to the south by Equatorial Guinea, Gabon, Congo and to the west by the Guinea Golf and Littoral Region.
Almost every locality in the South Region has a multitude of basic, secondary, higher education and vocational training schools.
The predominant official language of the South Region is french.
List of schools in SOUTH Region
Collège Saint François de MELANE
● SOUTH Region ● MVILA Division ● MENGONG Subdivision ● Village EKOUK
How many Schools (now available on ecolesAuCameroun.com) in Divisions of SOUTH Region
DJA and LOBO Division : 76 schoolsMVILA Division : 86 schoolsOCEAN Division : 64 schoolsVALLEE of NTEM Division : 35 schools
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