Exams and Competitive examinations in Cameroun
Brevet de Technicien
In Cameroon, the Brevet de Technicien (BT) is a french-speaking industrial technical secondary school diploma. It is awarded in the final [...]
VIEW DETAILS...Teachers Grade 1 Certificate (CAPIEMP)
The Teachers Grade 1 Certificate, known in its French acronym as CAPIEMP, is a vocational diploma awarded in the end of training at [...]
VIEW DETAILS...Technical Teachers’ Grade 1 Certificate
The duration of training varies from one to three years. Holders of Technical and Vocational Education Examination Advanced Level (TVEEAL) spend [...]
VIEW DETAILS...Competitive entrance examination for GTTC
Competitive entrance examination for GTTC (Government Teachers Training College) [...]
VIEW DETAILS...Commpetitive Entrance Examination into GTTTC
VIEW DETAILS...Bachelor's degree
La Licence est un diplôme de l'enseignement supérieur. Au Cameroun, il en existe deux types : licence académique licence professionnelle Pour être [...]
VIEW DETAILS...HND (Higher National Diploma)
HND (Higher National Diploma) is a higher education diploma. [...]
The Master's degree is a higher education diploma. [...]
VIEW DETAILS...DEA (Diplôme d'Etudes Approfondies)
Le DEA (Diplôme d'Études Approfondies) sanctionne la 1ère année des études doctorales. C'est une année d'initiation à la recherche. Le DEA permet de [...]
VIEW DETAILS...Doctorate
The third cycle of university studies leading to the degree of Doctor, the doctorate represents the highest qualification in a given [...]