High education
Thu 24 Aug 2023 - 18:12 - Sun 24 Mar 2024 - 17:14 - 5092
Higher education in Cameroon is provided by public and private institutions approved by the Ministry of Higher Education. Access to higher education is generally conditional on passing the baccalauréat.
All High education schools in Cameroon:

ENSET (l'Ecole Normale Supérieure d'Enseignement Technique) Université de Douala
● LITTORAL Region ● WOURI Division ● DOUALA V Subdivision ● Quarter NDOGBONG
ENSTMO (Ecole Nationale Supérieure des Sciences et Techniques Maritimes et Océaniques) - Kribi - Université d'Ebolowa
● SOUTH Region ● OCEAN Division ● KRIBI I Subdivision ● Village EBOME
Higher Teacher Training College (ENS) of Bertoua
● EAST Region ● LOM and DJEREM Division ● BERTOUA I Subdivision ● Quarter BODOMO
L’Ecole Normale Supérieure (ENS) de Bertoua est un établissement supérieur pour les études centrées sur l'éducation. L'ENS de Bertoua confère des [...] VIEW DETAILS...
ISABEE (Institut Supérieur d'Agriculture, du Bois, de l'Eau et de l'Environnement) - Université d'Ebolowa
● SOUTH Region ● MVILA Division ● EBOLOWA II Subdivision ● Village METYKPWALE-YEMINSEM
Sub-Regional Institute of Statistics and Applied Economics (ISSEA)
● CENTRE Region ● MFOUNDI Division ● YAOUNDE II Subdivision ● Quarter GRAND MESSA
FMSP (Faculté de Médecine et des Sciences Pharmaceutiques de Sangmelima) - Université d'Ebolowa
● SOUTH Region ● DJA and LOBO Division ● SANGMELIMA Subdivision ● Village BENYOUNGOU
ENSET (Ecole Normale Supérieure d'Enseignement Technique) - Université d'Ebolowa
● SOUTH Region ● MVILA Division ● EBOLOWA II Subdivision ● Village METYKPWALE-YEMINSEM
ISABEE (Institut Supérieur d'Agriculture, du Bois, de l'Eau et de l'Environnement) - Université de Bertoua
● EAST Region ● LOM and DJEREM Division ● BELABO Subdivision ● Quarter AKOK-MEKEL I
Grande école de l’université de Bertoua, l’Institut Supérieur d’Agriculture, du Bois, de l’Eau et de l’Environnement (ISABEE) se trouve à Bélabo [...] VIEW DETAILS...
ESTLC (Ecole Supérieure de Transport, de Logistique et de Commerce) - Ambam - Université d'Ebolowa
● SOUTH Region ● VALLEE of NTEM Division ● AMBAM Subdivision ● Village AKAM-MESSI
VIEW DETAILS...Centre d'Instruction des Elèves Sous-Officiers (CIESO) - Gendarmerie Nationale
● EAST Region ● HAUT NYONG Division ● LOMIE Subdivision ● Village ABIERE
Others Education levels in Cameroon
Nursery education
Nursery education in Cameroon is an educational cycle comprising the following classes: For the French-speaking sub-system: Petite section, Grande section. For [...] READ MORE...
Primary education
The official age for entry to primary school is 6. Each sub-system consists of three levels: Level 1, which comprises SIL [...] READ MORE...
Post-primary education
The minimum age for post-primary education is 14. At the end of primary education, pupils generally have the choice of continuing [...] READ MORE...
Secondary education
There are two types of secondary education in Cameroon, in the Anglophone and Francophone sub-systems: General secondary education In the French-speaking [...] READ MORE...
Teacher Training
In Cameroon, Teacher Training Colleges are vocational training institutions responsible for the basic training, advanced training or refresher training and the [...] READ MORE...
Vocational training
In Cameroon, vocational training comprises a range of post-basic education courses provided either by public bodies or by state-approved private bodies. [...] READ MORE...

Nursery education
Nursery education in Cameroon is an educational cycle comprising the following classes: For the French-speaking sub-system: Petite section, Grande section. For [...] READ MORE...

Primary education
The official age for entry to primary school is 6. Each sub-system consists of three levels: Level 1, which comprises SIL [...] READ MORE...

Post-primary education
The minimum age for post-primary education is 14. At the end of primary education, pupils generally have the choice of continuing [...] READ MORE...

Secondary education
There are two types of secondary education in Cameroon, in the Anglophone and Francophone sub-systems: General secondary education In the French-speaking [...] READ MORE...

Teacher Training
In Cameroon, Teacher Training Colleges are vocational training institutions responsible for the basic training, advanced training or refresher training and the [...] READ MORE...

Vocational training
In Cameroon, vocational training comprises a range of post-basic education courses provided either by public bodies or by state-approved private bodies. [...] READ MORE...