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Exams and Competitive examinations Results

This section of is dedicated to publishing the results of the various official exams and competitive examinations available in Cameroon.




All 2024 HND Results in Cameroon

Have you written the HND (Higher National Diploma) exam, 2024 session in Cameroon or are you a relative of a candidate [...]


All 2024 GCE and TVEE Results

Below are all 2024 GCE and TVEE Results :     All GCE AL 2024 Results by CENTRE NUMBER :   2024 [...]


Final Results Competitive Examination EMIA 2023 Cameroon

The final results of the EMIA (Ecole Militaire InterArmées) Competitive entrance examination, session 2023, were made public on July 10, 2024. [...]


Some BEPC 2024 Results in Cameroun

Depuis le 1er juillet 2024, les résultats du BEPC 2024 sont proclamés progressivement. vous propose ci-dessous, quelques résultats de certains établissement : [...]


Résultats BEPC 2024 Lycée Bilingue de BAFOUSSAM NDIENGDAM

Listes des candidats admis au BEPC 2024 au Lycée Bilingue de BAFOUSSAM NDIENGDAM   LISTE DES CANDIDATS ADMIS JURY 144 Série Allemand [...]


BEPC 2024 Results in Centre Region - College Mgr Henri VIETER

Résultats du BEPC (Brevet d'Etudes du Premier Cycle), session 2024, Région du Centre, Collège Mgr Henri VIETER.         [...]


BEPC 2024 Results - GBHS Mbalmayo Center vous propose ci-dessous, le bordereau des résultats du BEPC 2024 au sous-centre de MBALMAYO LYCEE BILINGUE dans l'arrondissement de MBALMAYO, Département du [...]


2024 BEPC Results in Cameroun - Center Code : 07415 vous propose ci-dessous, le bordereau des résultats du BEPC 2024 au sous-centre de PENKA MICHEL LYCEE BILINGUE dans l'arrondissement de PENKA MICHEL [...]


2024 BEPC Results in Cameroun - Center Code : 07511 vous propose ci-dessous, le bordereau des résultats du BEPC 2024 au sous-centre de BAFOUSSAM LYCEE CLASSIQUE dans l'arrondissement de BAFOUSSAM 1, Département [...]


2024 BEPC Results in Cameroun - Center Code : 07109 vous propose ci-dessous, le bordereau des résultats du BEPC 2024 au sous-centre de KEKEM LYCEE dans l'arrondissement de KEKEM, Département du [...]






Exams - Competitive Examinations in Cameroon

FSLC (First School Leaving Certificate)

In the French-speaking sub-system, the CEP (Certificat d'Etudes Primaires) is the first school-leaving certificate in Cameroon. Its equivalent in the English-speaking [...]READ MORE...

0 Results

Common Entrance

The Concours d'entrée en classe de 6e de l'enseignement secondaire général or Concours d'entrée en 1ère année de l'enseignement secondaire technique [...]READ MORE...

2 Results

BEPC (Brevet d'Etudes du Premier Cycle)

In Cameroon, the BEPC (Brevet d'Etudes du Premier Cycle) is a French-language secondary school diploma that is normally taken in 3e, [...]READ MORE...

7 Results

GCE OL (General Certificate of Education Ordinary Level)

The GCE OL (General Certificate of Education Ordinary Level) is a diploma awarded at the end of the first cycle of [...]READ MORE...

0 Results

GCE AL (General Certificate of Education Advanced Level)

The GCE AL (General Certificate of Education Advanced Level) is a diploma awarded at the end of general secondary education in [...]READ MORE...

1 Results


The Probatoire is an examination specific to the French-speaking education sub-system in Cameroon. It does not exist in the Anglophone sub-system. [...]READ MORE...

0 Results


Au Cameroun, le Baccalauréat est un diplôme qui sanctionne la fin des études du second cycle du secondaire de l'enseignement général et [...]READ MORE...

0 Results

Teachers Grade 1 Certificate (CAPIEMP)

The Teachers Grade 1 Certificate, known in its French acronym as CAPIEMP, is a vocational diploma awarded in the end of training at [...]READ MORE...

0 Results

Technical Teachers’ Grade 1 Certificate

The duration of training varies from one to three years. Holders of Technical and Vocational Education Examination Advanced Level (TVEEAL) spend [...]READ MORE...

0 Results

Bachelor's degree

La Licence est un diplôme de l'enseignement supérieur. Au Cameroun, il en existe deux types : licence académique licence professionnelle   Pour être [...]READ MORE...

0 Results

HND (Higher National Diploma)

HND (Higher National Diploma) is a higher education diploma. [...]READ MORE...

1 Results


The Master's degree is a higher education diploma. [...]

0 Results

DEA (Diplôme d'Etudes Approfondies)

Le DEA (Diplôme d'Études Approfondies) sanctionne la 1ère année des études doctorales. C'est une année d'initiation à la recherche. Le DEA permet de [...]READ MORE...

0 Results


The third cycle of university studies leading to the degree of Doctor, the doctorate represents the highest qualification in a given [...]READ MORE...

0 Results


The DIPES I (Diplôme de Professeur de l'Enseignement Secondaire premier grade) is a national diploma in Cameroon. It is awarded by [...]READ MORE...

0 Results


The DIPES II (Diplôme de Professeur de l'Enseignement Secondaire deuxième grade) is a national diploma in Cameroon. It is awarded by [...]READ MORE...

0 Results

Doctorat en médecine

Un diplôme de docteur en médecine, en quatorze (14) semestres de formation théorique et pratique en milieu hospitalier ou dans les [...]READ MORE...

0 Results

Competitive entrance examination for UIT

Competitive entrance examination for University Institute of Technology. [...]

2 Results

Higher Teacher Training College Competitive entrance examination

The Higher Teacher Training College Competitive entrance examination is a competitive examination which, if successful, enables admitted candidates to follow higher [...]READ MORE...

0 Results

Competitive entrance examination for faculty of Medicine

Entry to the medical faculties of public universities is generally conditional on admission to the entrance examinations for these specialist schools. [...]READ MORE...

1 Results

Competitive entrance examination for GTTC

Competitive entrance examination for GTTC (Government Teachers Training College) [...]READ MORE...

1 Results

Competitive entrance examination for ENAM

The entrance exam to the Ecole Normale d'Administration et de Magistrature (ENAM) takes place every year. New waves of students enter [...]READ MORE...

1 Results

CAP (Certificat d'Aptitude Professionnelle)

The CAP (Certificat d'Aptitude Professionnelle) is a technical secondary education qualification in the French-speaking sub-system. It is awarded at the end [...]READ MORE...

1 Results


The TVEE IL (Technical and Vocational Education Examination Intermediate Level) is a diploma awarded at the end of lower secondary technical [...]READ MORE...

0 Results


The TVEE AL (Technical and Vocational Education Examination Advanced Level) is a diploma awarded at the end of the second cycle [...]READ MORE...

0 Results

Brevet de Technicien

In Cameroon, the Brevet de Technicien (BT) is a french-speaking industrial technical secondary school diploma. It is awarded in the final [...]READ MORE...

0 Results

ASTI Competitive Examination

The entrance exam for the Advanced School of Translators and Interpreters (ASTI) is held every year. ASTI is a Higher School [...]READ MORE...

1 Results

Professional Master

A higher education diploma, the Professional Master's degree is open to anyone with a Professional Bachelor's degree and to company employees [...]READ MORE...

0 Results

VQD (Vocational Qualification Diploma)

The VQD (Vocational Qualification Diploma) in Cameroon is a diploma awarded on completion of initial vocational training in a vocational training [...]READ MORE...

0 Results

CAPEC (Certificat d'Aptitude Professionnelle en l'Enseignement de la Conduite des Véhicules à Moteur)

The CAPEC (Certificat d'Aptitude Professionnelle en l'Enseignement de la Conduite des Véhicules à Moteur) is a diploma awarded in Cameroon by [...]READ MORE...

0 Results

Concours d'entrée à la Police

Under the supervision of the Délégation Générale à la Sûreté Nationale, various competitive examinations for entry into the Cameroon Police Force [...]READ MORE...

2 Results

Competitive examinations MINDEF

Competitive examinations organised by the Ministry of Defence (MINDEF) are held regularly with the aim of recruiting and training young Cameroonians [...]READ MORE...

0 Results

Competitive examinations EMIA

Renamed EMIA (Ecole Militaire InterArmées) in 2001 following the reform of the Cameroonian army, the EMIA was created in 1959 and [...]READ MORE...

1 Results

EAMAU Competitive Entrance Examination

L'EAMAU (Ecole Africaine des Métiers de l'Architecture et de l'Urbanisme) est un établissement inter-états d'enseignement supérieur créé en 1975 et dont le [...]READ MORE...

0 Results

Commpetitive Entrance Examination into GTTTC


1 Results

National Advanced Schools of Engineering Competitive Entrance Examinations

Competitive Entrance Examinations into National Advanced Schools of Engineerin in Cameroon. [...]READ MORE...

4 Results

ESSEC Competitive Entrance Examination

Competitive Entrance Examination into ESSEC. [...]

1 Results

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