Results for Ecole Régionale de Sécurité Incendie
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Exams - Competitive Examinations in Cameroon
FSLC (First School Leaving Certificate)
In the French-speaking sub-system, the CEP (Certificat d'Etudes Primaires) is the first school-leaving certificate in Cameroon. Its equivalent in the English-speaking [...]READ MORE...
0 ResultsCommon Entrance
The Concours d'entrée en classe de 6e de l'enseignement secondaire général or Concours d'entrée en 1ère année de l'enseignement secondaire technique [...]READ MORE...
2 ResultsBEPC (Brevet d'Etudes du Premier Cycle)
In Cameroon, the BEPC (Brevet d'Etudes du Premier Cycle) is a French-language secondary school diploma that is normally taken in 3e, [...]READ MORE...
7 ResultsGCE OL (General Certificate of Education Ordinary Level)
The GCE OL (General Certificate of Education Ordinary Level) is a diploma awarded at the end of the first cycle of [...]READ MORE...
0 ResultsGCE AL (General Certificate of Education Advanced Level)
The GCE AL (General Certificate of Education Advanced Level) is a diploma awarded at the end of general secondary education in [...]READ MORE...
1 ResultsProbatoire
The Probatoire is an examination specific to the French-speaking education sub-system in Cameroon. It does not exist in the Anglophone sub-system. [...]READ MORE...
0 ResultsBaccalaureate
Au Cameroun, le Baccalauréat est un diplôme qui sanctionne la fin des études du second cycle du secondaire de l'enseignement général et [...]READ MORE...
0 ResultsTeachers Grade 1 Certificate (CAPIEMP)
The Teachers Grade 1 Certificate, known in its French acronym as CAPIEMP, is a vocational diploma awarded in the end of training at [...]READ MORE...
0 ResultsTechnical Teachers’ Grade 1 Certificate
The duration of training varies from one to three years. Holders of Technical and Vocational Education Examination Advanced Level (TVEEAL) spend [...]READ MORE...
0 ResultsBachelor's degree
La Licence est un diplôme de l'enseignement supérieur. Au Cameroun, il en existe deux types : licence académique licence professionnelle Pour être [...]READ MORE...
0 ResultsHND (Higher National Diploma)
HND (Higher National Diploma) is a higher education diploma. [...]READ MORE...
1 ResultsDEA (Diplôme d'Etudes Approfondies)
Le DEA (Diplôme d'Études Approfondies) sanctionne la 1ère année des études doctorales. C'est une année d'initiation à la recherche. Le DEA permet de [...]READ MORE...
0 ResultsDoctorate
The third cycle of university studies leading to the degree of Doctor, the doctorate represents the highest qualification in a given [...]READ MORE...
0 ResultsDIPES 1
The DIPES I (Diplôme de Professeur de l'Enseignement Secondaire premier grade) is a national diploma in Cameroon. It is awarded by [...]READ MORE...
0 ResultsDIPES 2
The DIPES II (Diplôme de Professeur de l'Enseignement Secondaire deuxième grade) is a national diploma in Cameroon. It is awarded by [...]READ MORE...
0 ResultsDoctorat en médecine
Un diplôme de docteur en médecine, en quatorze (14) semestres de formation théorique et pratique en milieu hospitalier ou dans les [...]READ MORE...
0 ResultsCompetitive entrance examination for UIT
Competitive entrance examination for University Institute of Technology. [...]
2 ResultsHigher Teacher Training College Competitive entrance examination
The Higher Teacher Training College Competitive entrance examination is a competitive examination which, if successful, enables admitted candidates to follow higher [...]READ MORE...
0 ResultsCompetitive entrance examination for faculty of Medicine
Entry to the medical faculties of public universities is generally conditional on admission to the entrance examinations for these specialist schools. [...]READ MORE...
1 ResultsCompetitive entrance examination for GTTC
Competitive entrance examination for GTTC (Government Teachers Training College) [...]READ MORE...
1 ResultsCompetitive entrance examination for ENAM
The entrance exam to the Ecole Normale d'Administration et de Magistrature (ENAM) takes place every year. New waves of students enter [...]READ MORE...
2 ResultsCAP (Certificat d'Aptitude Professionnelle)
The CAP (Certificat d'Aptitude Professionnelle) is a technical secondary education qualification in the French-speaking sub-system. It is awarded at the end [...]READ MORE...
1 ResultsTVEE IL
The TVEE IL (Technical and Vocational Education Examination Intermediate Level) is a diploma awarded at the end of lower secondary technical [...]READ MORE...
0 ResultsTVEE AL
The TVEE AL (Technical and Vocational Education Examination Advanced Level) is a diploma awarded at the end of the second cycle [...]READ MORE...
0 ResultsBrevet de Technicien
In Cameroon, the Brevet de Technicien (BT) is a french-speaking industrial technical secondary school diploma. It is awarded in the final [...]READ MORE...
0 ResultsASTI Competitive Examination
The entrance exam for the Advanced School of Translators and Interpreters (ASTI) is held every year. ASTI is a Higher School [...]READ MORE...
1 ResultsProfessional Master
A higher education diploma, the Professional Master's degree is open to anyone with a Professional Bachelor's degree and to company employees [...]READ MORE...
0 ResultsVQD (Vocational Qualification Diploma)
The VQD (Vocational Qualification Diploma) in Cameroon is a diploma awarded on completion of initial vocational training in a vocational training [...]READ MORE...
1 ResultsCAPEC (Certificat d'Aptitude Professionnelle en l'Enseignement de la Conduite des Véhicules à Moteur)
The CAPEC (Certificat d'Aptitude Professionnelle en l'Enseignement de la Conduite des Véhicules à Moteur) is a diploma awarded in Cameroon by [...]READ MORE...
0 ResultsConcours d'entrée à la Police
Under the supervision of the Délégation Générale à la Sûreté Nationale, various competitive examinations for entry into the Cameroon Police Force [...]READ MORE...
3 ResultsCompetitive examinations MINDEF
Competitive examinations organised by the Ministry of Defence (MINDEF) are held regularly with the aim of recruiting and training young Cameroonians [...]READ MORE...
0 ResultsCompetitive examinations EMIA
Renamed EMIA (Ecole Militaire InterArmées) in 2001 following the reform of the Cameroonian army, the EMIA was created in 1959 and [...]READ MORE...
1 ResultsEAMAU Competitive Entrance Examination
L'EAMAU (Ecole Africaine des Métiers de l'Architecture et de l'Urbanisme) est un établissement inter-états d'enseignement supérieur créé en 1975 et dont le [...]READ MORE...
0 ResultsNational Advanced Schools of Engineering Competitive Entrance Examinations
Competitive Entrance Examinations into National Advanced Schools of Engineerin in Cameroon. [...]READ MORE...
4 ResultsESSEC Competitive Entrance Examination
Competitive Entrance Examination into ESSEC. [...]
1 ResultsIFORD competitive entrance exam
The entrance exams to IFORD take place every year, generally at almost the same time. has written an article providing [...]READ MORE...
0 Results