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GTTTC 2024 competitive entrance examination : all the information you need to know

Rédaction ecolescameroun.com   |   Fri 10 May 2024 - 10:39   |   Wed 15 May 2024 - 10:50   |   Aucun commentaire Write a comment   |   0 useful votes



Launching the 2024 session of Competitive Entrance Examination into Government Technical Teacher Training Colleges (GTTTC)




Mindful of Mindful of Mindful of


Mindful of


Mindful of Mindful of Mindful of Mindful of Mindful of


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the Constitution;

Law No_ 98/004 of 14 April 1998 to lay down Guidelines for Education in Cameroon; Decree No. 2000/696/PM of 13 September 2000 to fix the general system of Government Competitive Examinations;

Decree No. 2011/408 of 9 December 2011 to organise the Government, as amended and supplemented by Decree_ No. 2018/190 of2 March 2018;

Decree No. 2012/267 of 11 June 2012 to organise the Ministry of Secondary Education; Decree 2019/001 of 4 January 2019 to appoint a Prime Minister, Head of Government; Decree No. 2019/002 of 4 January, 2019 to reshuffle the Government;

Decree No.2023/434 of 4 October 2023 to organise the functioning of Government Teacher Order No.202/09/MINESEC/IGE of 29 September 2009 to reorganise specialities in GTTTC; Training Colleges;

Decision No. 1426/23/MINESEC/SEESEN/SG/DECC/SDOEC/OBC/GCE-B of 8 November 2023


to set Calendar of the 2024 session of Competitive Examinations;

Mindful of Circular No.11/23/MINESEC/SEESEN/SG/DECC/SDOEC of 9 October 2023 to manage registrations for 2024 session of certificate and competitive entrance Examinations,




Article 1: A Competitive Examination for the recruitment of five thousand five hundred and fifty (5 550) student-teachers into Government Technical Teacher Training Colleges (GTTTC) Bafoussam, Bertoua, Douala, Ebolowa, Garoua, Maroua, Ngaoundere, and Soa, for French-speaking candidates and Jikejem, Kumba, and Mbengwi, for English-speaking candidates will take place on Tuesday, 30 July and Wednesday, 31 July 2024, in all regional headquarters.

Article 2: The attached distribution of places may be compensated for between the different schools where necessary.

Article 3: The duration of the training is two (2) years.

Article 4: This competitive Examination is open to all young Cameroonians of both sexes, aged at least 17 and at most 32, as of 1 January 2024 of the cun-ent year, who hold a Technical and Vocational Education Examination Advanced Level (TVEE AIL), obtained in at least two subjects in a single year, except Religious Knowiedge, or any other equivalent technical education certificate in the following fields:




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Article 5: Table of fields of study for the GTTTC entrance examination





FIELDS of Study

Technical and Vocational Education Examioation Advanced Level (TVEE AIL),




Masonry and reinforced concrete construction.


Masonry, Building Design, Tiling.




Carpentry and Furniture (Woodwork)


Woodwork, Decoration, Carpentry.





Industrial Maintenance.

Electrical Engineering, Electronics, Refrigeration and Air Conditioning, Electromechanical Maintenance, Mechanical Manufacturing, Sheet Metal, Metal Construction, Automobile Mechanics, Boiler making.


Sanitary Equipment Installation.

Sanitary equipment installation.





Electrical engineering, Electronics, Refrigeration and Air conditioning, Electromechanical maintenance, Audio-visual maintenance.



Clothing industry, Sewing.


Home Economies

Home Economies -Hotel Management -Tourism.


Refrigeration and Air Conditioning.

Refrigeration and Air Conditioning.



Accounting, Marketing, and Taxation and IT Management.


Office Automation and Administrative Communications

Secretariat Administration and Communication.


Article 6: For their final admission, candidates who do not meet the conditions set out in Article 4 above may be authorised to compete, provided that they obtain their certificate during the 2024 session.


Article 7: Composition and deadline for submission of application


7.1. Complete applications received at the Regional Delegations of the Ministry of Secondary Education (RDSE), Sub-Department of Examinations and Certification, or at the Sub-Divisional Delegations (SDD), Service of Administrative and Financial Affairs, by Friday, 5 July 2024, must include the following documents:


  1. A certified photocopy of the birth certificate, not older than 3 months;
  2. A certified photocopy of the certificate authorising admission to the entrance examination (for candidates holding the required certificate);
  3. A certificate of police record (non-conviction) not older than 3 months;
  4. A medical certificate issued by a medical officer, not older than 3 months, attesting that the candidate is fit to work as a teacher in accordance with the current regulations;
  5. Two (2) information sheets;
  6. A certificate of nationality;


Evidence of electronic payment of the sum of ten thousand francs (10,000 f) to authorised partners, as registration fees; A receipt for payrnent of one thousand           .           çi{e francs (1,500 f) in stamp duty to the S/DAG of the RDSE or the C/SAAF of the SDDS.




    1. All examination centres are bilingual;
    2. The RDSE/SDSE must obtain from the authorised partners the lists of candidates who have paid the examination fees and the tax notice relating to the fiscal stamp fees;
    3. After check.ing and digitalising the documents listed above, the staff in charge of registration will stamp them and give thern to the candidate;


    1. Any late or incornplete application will be rejected;


    1. When the results are published, the database of successful candidates' registrations will be retrieved and forwarded to each school.

Article 8: Examination papers and timetable


Entry level







General Knowledge





Day 1

8:00-1 la.m.

Tecbnical and

General Mathematics

(For candidates in industrial field)



12:00-3 p.m.


Education Examination

Applied Mathematics

(For candidates in commercial field)






12:00- 3 p.m.

Advanced Level (TVEEA/L)

Case study






8:00-12 noon


Second language paper




l :00 - 3 :00 p.m.


Article 9: The results of the competitive entrance will be published by the Minister of Secondary Education in a press release and on the radio.
















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