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GTTC 2024 competitive entrance examination : all the information you need to know

Rédaction ecolescameroun.com   |   Fri 10 May 2024 - 10:12   |   Fri 10 May 2024 - 10:35   |   Aucun commentaire Write a comment   |   0 useful votes



to launch the competitive entrance examination into Government Teacher Training Colleges (GTTC) for the 2024 school year




Mindful of The Constitution;

Mindful of Law No.98/004 of 14 April 1998 on the Guidelines for Education in Cameroon;

Mindful of Decree No. 2000/696/PM of 13 September 2000 to lay down the general rules goveming administrative competitive examinations;

Mindful of Decree No. 2011/408 of 9 December 2011 to organise the Govemment, as amended and supplemented by Decree No. 2018/190 of2 March 2018;

Mindful of Decree No. 2012/267 of 11 June 2012 to organise the Ministry of Secondary Education; Decree No. 2023/434 of 4 October 2023 to organise the functioning of Teacher Training Colleges;

Mindful of Decree No. 2019/001 of 4 January 2019 to appoint the Prime Minister, Head of Govemment;

Mindful of  Decree No. 2019/002 of 4 January 2019 to reshuffle the Govemment;

Mindful of Decree No. 2023/434 of 4 October 2023 to organise the functioning of Teacher Training Colleges;

Mindful of Decision No.1426/23/MINESEC/SEESEN/SG/DECC/SDOEC/OBC/GCE-B of 8 November 2023 to fix the Calendar of Certificate and Competitive Examinations for the 2024 session;

Mindful of Circular No.11/23/MINESEC/SEESEN/SG/DECC/SDOEC of 9 October 2023 to manage registrations for the 2024 session of Certificate and Competitive Examinations organised by DECC,



Article 1: A competitive entrance examination for the recruitment of seven thousand (7 000) student -teachers into govemment Teacher Training Colleges (GTTC) will be held on Tuesday, 30 July 2024, in all the headquarters of the region.

Article 2: The appended allocation of places may be offset between the (schools in the region) ifnecessary.

Article 3: The training period is two (2) years.

Article 4: This entrance examination is reserved for young Cameroonians of both sexes, aged 17 at least and 32 at most on the 1st January 2024, who hold General Certificate of Education Advanced level, in any series or any other equivalent general education diploma.

Articles 5: Candidates who do not meet the conditions set out in Article 3 above may be authorised to compete, subject to obtaining their diploma during the 2024 session, for their final admission.



Article 6:1. Complete applications must be received by the Regional Delegations (RDSE) or Divisional Delegations (DDSE) of the Ministry of Secondary Education by Friday, 5 July 2024 and must include the following documents:

  1. A certified photocopy ofyour birth certificate, not older than 3 months;
  2. A certified photocopy of the diploma entitling you to take the entrance examination (if you hold the required diploma);
  3. A police record (Certificate of non-conviction) no older than 3 months;
  4. A medical certificate issued by a medical officer, not older than 3 months, attesting that the candidate is fit to take the teaching profession in accordance with the regulations in force;
  5. Two (2) information sheets;

t)    A certificate of nationality;

  1. Proof of electronic payment of the sum of ten thousand CFA francs (10,000 t) from approved partners, as registration fees;
  2. A receipt for payment of one thousand five hundred francs (1,500 t) in stamp duty to the S/DAG of the RDSE or the C/SAAF of the DDSE.
    1. Candidates must submit their applications in a cardboard folder bearing their name and telephone number to the Region in which the chosen school is located;
    2. All writing centres are bilingual;


    1. The RDSE/DDSE must obtain from the approved partners the lists of candidates who have paid the examination fees and the tax notice relating to the cost of the fiscal starnps;
    2. After checking and digitising the documents listed above, the staff in charge of registration will stamp them and give them to the candidate;
    3. All incomplete or late applications will be rejected;

Article 7: The following table outlines how the written exarns for admission will be administered:


Entry level

Examination papers





Advanced Level

General Knowlege

3 hours


8 :00-11 :00 a.m.


3 hours


11 :30-2 :30 p.m.

Second Language paper

2 hours


3 :00-5 :00 p.m.


Article 8: Candidates admitted to one school may be transferred to another as per the regulations in force.


Article 9: The results of the GTTC entrance exarnination will be published by the Minister in charge of Secondary Education, through a press release and radio broadcast.


Article 10: The Director of Examinations and Certification and the Regional Delegates for Secondary Educati[ shall be responsible, each in



Official Decision in PDF














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