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2024 GCE and TVEE Results: When will they be released?

Rédaction   |   sam. 13 juil. 2024 à 20:12   |   lun. 5 août 2024 à 00:26   |   Aucun commentaire Ecrire un commentaire   |   0 votes utiles


All 2024 GCE and TVEE Results




Which are the serious platforms to check the GCE results?

The GCE Board website ( is the official platform where it is safe to find the real results once they are officially released.

All other websites come to the fore when the results are available. It is therefore preferable for candidates to check their results first on the GCE Board website whose official address is

The results are also made available at each composition centre.


However, on or, we have taken the practice of dividing the results from the GCE Board website by examination centre to make it easier for candidates to find their results.  This makes it easier for the candidate to find his/her result, either by name or by the number of the composition centre.



Fake news about GCE 2024 Results

Every year, individuals with malicious intentions set up strategies to deceive GCE and TVEE candidates, in one way or another, through groups and channels in social networks or websites adept at providing false information.


Over the years, some individuals have been spreading fake news here and there by means of faking a supposed press release coming from either the GCE Board and or the MINESEC.

The spread of Fake Cameroon GCE Results released On social media is a call for concern. Each year has its own scheme used by fraudsters and last year was not left out. Students are made to believe that the Cameroon GCE 2024 Official Results have been proclaimed and published.


Fake Cameroon GCE Results refers to criminal strategies used by scammers to extort money and other material gains from people online. Below are some verified schemes used by scammers to deceive people online:

  • The use of fake PDF files
  • The use of Outdated blog articles
  • The use of Screenshots
  • The use of fake, fraudulent, or scam websites




Signs that GCE 2024 Results has been released

These are signs that the Cameroon GCE Results 2024 has been released and it’s available for all to get a pdf copy for free without hindrances.

  • All national radio and TV stations will announce the results
  • The GCE Board will make an official announcement
  • MTN and Orange Cameroon will text you the shortcodes to use.



When  2024 GCE and TVEE Results will be released?

According to the calendar of examinations and competitive examinations for the 2024 session of the Ministry of Secondary Education (MINESEC), the deadline for publication of the results of the GCE OL, GCE AL, TVEE IL and TVEE AL is Friday 26 July 2024.


For the 2023 session, the results of the GCE Board examinations were released on 24 July 2023.












Attention !!! Message aux individus qui copient nos articles sans autorisation !

Nous prenons de la peine pour proposer aux utilisateurs des contenus originaux qui en principe ne doivent se retrouver ailleurs sur d'autres sites sans notre autorisation. Mais, il se trouve par une alchimie dont sont passés maîtres certains camerounais fainéants, malhonnêtes, pernicieux, incompétents et qui prennent un malin plaisir à s'approprier le fruit du travail des autres, que, nos articles se retrouvent sans notre autorisation dans leurs sites. Ils se reconnaîtront ici, car ils y viennent à tout moment à la quête de nouveaux contenus à voler !

Ce message s'adresse à ces voleurs de contenus. Arrêtez de spolier nos contenus ! Sur vos sites internet, il n'y a aucun moyen qui permette de vous contacter ! Les informations publiques sur vos noms de domaine sont cachées ! Point n'est besoin de chercher encore les preuves de votre malveillance et de votre banditisme exacerbés !

Arrêtez de voler nos contenus ! Si vous persistez, nous prendrons les mesures nécessaires pour vous y contraindre !



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